
Returns parameters of ads and keywords.


Disabled method. Use version 5 of the API.

For information about the compatibility of methods between versions 4 and 5, see the Migration guide.

The GetBanners (Live) version also exists for this method.

In addition to the ad parameters, the method returns keyword parameters in either abbreviated or full format, as defined in the GetPhrases input parameter. If the value is “No”, keyword information is not returned. If the value is “Yes” or GetPhrases is omitted, the abbreviated version of keyword information is returned. If the value is “WithPrices”, the full version of keyword information is returned, and the resulting structure with updated parameters can be input for the CreateOrUpdateBanners method.


Attention. The method only returns text and image ads. To work with all types of ads, use the Ads service in version 5 of the API. More about ad types...

Input data

The input data structure in JSON is shown below.

   "method": "GetBanners",
   "param": {
      /* GetBannersInfo */
      "CampaignIDS": [
      "BannerIDS": [
      "GetPhrases": (string),
      "Filter": {
         /* BannersFilterInfo */
         "StatusPhoneModerate": [
         "StatusBannerModerate": [
         "StatusPhrasesModerate": [
         "StatusActivating": [
         "StatusShow": [
         "IsActive": [
         "StatusArchive": [

Parameters are described below.

Parameter Description Required
GetBannersInfo object

Array of campaign IDs (no more than 10 IDs).

The method returns the parameters of the ads that belong to the specified campaign.

One of the parameters: CampaignIDS or BannerIDS

Array of ad IDs. No more than 2000 IDs may be specified.

This parameter overrides CampaignIDS: if both parameters are specified, ads are selected based on the IDs in the BannerIDS array.

Filter Contains the BannersFilterInfo object, which defines the criteria for selecting ads. No

Whether to return parameters for the keywords in the Phrases array:

  • No — Do not return keyword parameters.
  • Yes — Return abbreviated keyword information.
  • WithPrices — Return complete keyword information, including prices and statistics.

If the GetPhrases parameter is omitted, the Yes value is assumed.

BannersFilterInfo object

Filter ads based on moderation results:

  • New — Ad has not been checked (“Draft” status).
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.
  • PreliminaryAccept — The ad has been tentatively accepted but the final result will be available later.

Filter ads based on results of keyword moderation:

  • New — Keywords were not checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — At least one keyword was approved (some keywords might have been rejected).
  • No — All keywords were rejected.
  • PreliminaryAccept — The keywords have been tentatively accepted but the final result will be available later.

Filter ads based on results of business card moderation:

  • New — Contact info has not been checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.

Filter ads based on how current changes are:

  • Yes — Changes have taken effect.
  • Pending — Waiting for changes to take effect.

After making changes to ads, it takes some time for the changes to take effect. This time is usually less than 40 minutes, but at high load times it can take up to three hours.


Filter out ads that should be displayed or should not be displayed:

  • Yes — Display enabled.
  • No — Display disabled.

Turning the display on and off is done using methods ResumeBanners and StopBanners respectively.


Filter ads based on activation status:

  • Yes — Activated ads.
  • No — Inactive ads.

Filter ads based on archived status:

  • Yes — Archived ads.
  • No — Ads that are not archived.
Parameter Description Required
GetBannersInfo object

Array of campaign IDs (no more than 10 IDs).

The method returns the parameters of the ads that belong to the specified campaign.

One of the parameters: CampaignIDS or BannerIDS

Array of ad IDs. No more than 2000 IDs may be specified.

This parameter overrides CampaignIDS: if both parameters are specified, ads are selected based on the IDs in the BannerIDS array.

Filter Contains the BannersFilterInfo object, which defines the criteria for selecting ads. No

Whether to return parameters for the keywords in the Phrases array:

  • No — Do not return keyword parameters.
  • Yes — Return abbreviated keyword information.
  • WithPrices — Return complete keyword information, including prices and statistics.

If the GetPhrases parameter is omitted, the Yes value is assumed.

BannersFilterInfo object

Filter ads based on moderation results:

  • New — Ad has not been checked (“Draft” status).
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.
  • PreliminaryAccept — The ad has been tentatively accepted but the final result will be available later.

Filter ads based on results of keyword moderation:

  • New — Keywords were not checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — At least one keyword was approved (some keywords might have been rejected).
  • No — All keywords were rejected.
  • PreliminaryAccept — The keywords have been tentatively accepted but the final result will be available later.

Filter ads based on results of business card moderation:

  • New — Contact info has not been checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.

Filter ads based on how current changes are:

  • Yes — Changes have taken effect.
  • Pending — Waiting for changes to take effect.

After making changes to ads, it takes some time for the changes to take effect. This time is usually less than 40 minutes, but at high load times it can take up to three hours.


Filter out ads that should be displayed or should not be displayed:

  • Yes — Display enabled.
  • No — Display disabled.

Turning the display on and off is done using methods ResumeBanners and StopBanners respectively.


Filter ads based on activation status:

  • Yes — Activated ads.
  • No — Inactive ads.

Filter ads based on archived status:

  • Yes — Archived ads.
  • No — Ads that are not archived.

Output data

Returns an array of BannerInfo objects containing the ad parameters. The output data structure in JSON is shown below.

   "data": [
      {  /* BannerInfo */
         "BannerID": (long),
         "CampaignID": (int),
         "Title": (string),
         "Text": (string),
         "Href": (string),
         "Domain": (string),
         "Geo": (string),
         "ContactInfo": {
            /* ContactInfo */
            "ContactPerson": (string),
            "Country": (string),
            "CountryCode": (string),
            "City": (string),
            "Street": (string),
            "House": (string),
            "Build": (string),
            "Apart": (string),
            "CityCode": (string),
            "Phone": (string),
            "PhoneExt": (string),
            "CompanyName": (string),
            "IMClient": (string),
            "IMLogin": (string),
            "ExtraMessage": (string),
            "ContactEmail": (string),
            "WorkTime": (string),
            "OGRN": (string),
            "PointOnMap": {
               /* MapPoint */
               "x": (float),
               "y": (float),
               "x1": (float),
               "y1": (float),
               "x2": (float),
               "y2": (float)
         "Phrases": [
            {  /* BannerPhraseInfo */
               "BannerID": (long),
               "CampaignID": (int),
               "PhraseID": (long),
               "Phrase": (string),
               "IsRubric": (string),
               "Price": (float),
               "ContextPrice": (float),
               "AutoBroker": (string),
               "UserParams": {
                  /* PhraseUserParams */
                  "Param1": (string),
                  "Param2": (string)
               "StatusPhraseModerate": (string),
               "AutoBudgetPriority": (string),
               "Clicks": (int),
               "Shows": (int),
               "Min": (float),
               "Max": (float),
               "PremiumMin": (float),
               "PremiumMax": (float),
               "LowCTRWarning": (string),
               "LowCTR": (string),
               "ContextLowCTR": (string),
               "Coverage": [
                  {  /* CoverageInfo */
                     "Probability": (float),
                     "Price": (float)
               "ContextCoverage": [
                  {  /* CoverageInfo */
                     "Probability": (float),
                     "Price": (float)
               "Prices": [
               "CurrentOnSearch": (float),
               "MinPrice": (float)
         "StatusActivating": (string),
         "StatusArchive": (string),
         "StatusBannerModerate": (string),
         "StatusPhrasesModerate": (string),
         "StatusPhoneModerate": (string),
         "StatusShow": (string),
         "IsActive": (string),
         "StatusSitelinksModerate": (string),
         "Sitelinks": [
            {  /* Sitelink */
               "Title": (string),
               "Href": (string)
         "AdWarnings": [
         "FixedOnModeration": (string),
         "ModerateRejectionReasons": [
            {  /* RejectReason */
               "Type": (string),
               "Text": (string)
         "MinusKeywords": [

Parameters are described below.

Parameter Description
BannerInfo object

The ad ID. To create an ad, set 0; to change the parameters of an ad, set its ID.

CampaignID The campaign ID.
Title Title of the ad (up to 33 characters, including spaces and punctuation).
Text Text of the ad (up to 75 characters, including spaces and punctuation).

Link to the advertiser's website. It can contain wildcard variables (see section Links to the site).

Domain The domain that the Href link goes to. The domain is set automatically. If the link points to a redirect, the parameter specifies the end-domain.

IDs of regions where ad impressions are enabled or disabled. The ID 0 or an empty string indicates impressions in all regions (default value).

To disable impressions in a region, prepend a minus sign to the region ID; for example, “1, -219” means to show ads for Moscow and the surrounding area, except Chernogolovka. Regions with a minus sign cannot be used if the zero region is set. Likewise, the parameter cannot consist entirely of minus regions.

To get the full list of regions, use the GetRegions method.


The ContactInfo object with the advertiser's contact information (business card).

Phrases Array of BannerPhraseInfo objects with keyword parameters. Output if the GetPhrases input parameter has the value “Yes” or “WithPrices”, or is omitted.
StatusActivating Whether all changes made have taken effect — Yes/Pending.
StatusArchive Whether the ad has been archived — Yes/No.

Results of ad moderation (the text and link are checked):

  • New — Ad has not been checked (“Draft” status).
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.
  • PreliminaryAccept — The ad has been tentatively accepted but the final result will be available later.

Result of keyword moderation:

  • New — Keywords were not checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — At least one keyword was approved (some keywords might have been rejected).
  • No — All keywords were rejected.
  • PreliminaryAccept — The keywords have been tentatively accepted but the final result will be available later.

Result of online business card moderation:

  • New — Contact info has not been checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.

Whether ad impressions are enabled — Yes/No. Use the ResumeBanners and StopBanners methods to enable and disable impressions.

Allowing displays does not mean that the ad is actually displayed. For impressions, other conditions must be met as well: sufficient funds, moderator approval of the campaign and ad, and enabled displays on the campaign level (the ResumeCampaign method). An actual impression corresponds to the Yes value in the IsActive parameter.


Whether the ad is active — Yes/No.

"Active" is defined as the ad state in which impressions are turned on and off automatically, according to the time targeting settings or depending on the campaign balance. Ads are "inactive" when impressions are disabled by the user or Yandex manager, and cannot be enabled automatically.

StatusSitelinksModerate Result of sitelinks moderation:
  • New — Sitelinks have not been checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.

An array containing flags for advertised objects belonging to special categories. For these categories, displaying ads is either prohibited, or must be accompanied by a warning in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation. Possible groups:

  • abortion — Medical services intended to artificially terminate a pregnancy.
  • alcohol — Alcohol, beer or alcoholic beverages.
  • baby_food — Baby food.
  • dietarysuppl — Dietary supplements.
  • medicine — Medicine, medical devices or equipment or medical services, including treatment methods.
  • pseudoweapon — Products that are similar to a weapon.
  • tobacco — Tobacco and tobacco products.
  • project_declaration — Shared-equity construction project.
FixedOnModeration Whether typos were corrected during moderation — Yes/No.
ModerateRejectionReasons Array of RejectReason objects. These objects describe the reasons for rejecting the text of an ad, keyword, contact information, or sitelink.

Array of negative keywords that are shared by all the keywords of an ad group.

A keyword should be specified without the minus sign before the first word.

Maximum of 7 words per keyword. The maximum length of each word is 35 characters. The maximum combined length of negative keywords in the array is 4096 characters. The “!” operator or “+” operator before a word is not included in the total length.

Note. Negative keywords that are shared for all a campaign's ad groups should preferably be set in the campaign parameter of the same name.
ContactInfo object

Contact person. A maximum of 155 characters.


Country. A maximum of 50 characters.


The country code for the phone number. For example, “+7” for Russia.


The city. A maximum of 50 characters.


Street. A maximum of 55 characters.


House number. A maximum of 30 characters.


The building or unit number. A maximum of 10 characters.


The apartment or office number. Maximum of 255 characters.


The area code or city code for the phone number.


The contact phone number.


The phone extension, if an office PBX system is used.


Name of the organization. Maximum of 255 characters.


The type of instant messaging network — icq, jabber, skype or mail_agent.


The user name for the instant messaging network.


Additional information on the advertised product or service. Maximum of 200 characters.


Email address. Maximum of 255 characters.


The operating hours or client service hours of the business. Set as a string that specifies the range of days of the week, work hours, and minutes.

Days of the week are defined by the numbers from 0 to 6, where 0 is Monday and 6 is Sunday.

Minutes are set as a multiple of 15: 0, 15, 30 or 45.

String format:


For example, the string "0;4;10;0;18;0" sets the following schedule:

0;4 — Monday to Friday

10;0 — from 10:00 am

18;0 — to 6:00 pm

The schedule may consist of several strings in this format, for example: "0;4;10;0;18;0;5;6;11;0;16;0". Here, in addition to the previous example, the schedule also includes:

5;6 — Saturday and Sunday

11;0 — from 11:00 am

16;0 — to 4:00 pm

A 24-hour schedule is set using the string "0;6;00;00;00;00".


The OGRN code for a business registered in Russia.


The MapPoint object, which provides the coordinates of the client's location. These coordinates are used to mark the map. If not set, the map is marked at the address that was specified for the client.

MapPoint object

Longitude of the point. From -180 to 180.


Latitude of the point. From -90 to 90.


Longitude of the lower-left corner of the region on the map. From -180 to 180.


Latitude of the lower-left corner of the region on the map. From -90 to 90.


Longitude of the upper-right corner of the region on the map. From -180 to 180.


Latitude of the upper-right corner of the region on the map. From -90 to 90.

BannerPhraseInfo object

The campaign ID.


The ad ID.


The keyword ID.



It can contain negative keywords, which are specified with the minus sign before the word, such as [lightning -thunder -rain]. Negative keywords that are shared between several keywords should preferably be set in the MinusKeywords parameter for the ad group.

The maximum length of a keyword is 4096 characters. The “!” operator before a negative keyword is not counted in the keyword length (the sequence “-!” counts as a single character).

Maximum of 7 words per keyword, not counting stop words and negative keywords. Each word and negative keyword can be up to 35 characters, not counting the minus sign before a negative keyword.


Whether the keyword is a Yandex Catalog category. Always contains the value No.


The bid on Yandex search (in Yandex units). The predefined limit is 50 Yandex units. Required only if a strategy with manual bid management is selected for the campaign.


Bid in the Yandex Advertising Network (in Yandex units). The bid can be set in the following cases:

  1. The IndependentControl strategy is used on search. This strategy can only be selected via the Yandex Direct web interface.
  2. A manual strategy is used on search and the keyword is disabled for a low CTR.

    For new keywords this condition is irrelevant, since keywords are no longer disabled for a low CTR.


Indicates that Autobroker is enabled. Always contains the value Yes.


PhraseUserParams object. Contains values of substitution variables for the website links (see the section Site links).


Results of moderation of the keyword:

  • New — Keyword has not been moderated.
  • Yes — Accepted.
  • No — Rejected.

Priority of the keyword when using automatic strategies. Possible values:

  • Low — Low priority.
  • Medium — Average priority.
  • High — High priority.

Number of clicks on an ad that was shown on the search for this keyword. Calculated for the last 28 days. The calculation uses those days during which there was at least one click on an ad.


Number of ad impressions for this keyword on the search. Calculated for the last 28 days. The calculation uses those days during which there was at least one ad impression for this keyword.


The minimum bid to get into Guaranteed Placement.

Max The minimum bid for the 1st position in Guaranteed Placement.

The minimum bid to get into Premium Placement.


The minimum bid for the 1st position in Premium Placement.


The keyword has a low CTR and may be disabled soon — Yes/No.


This parameter is no longer relevant for new keywords, since keywords are no longer excluded for a low CTR.


The keyword is disabled in the search due to a low CTR — Yes/No.


This parameter is no longer relevant for new keywords, since keywords are no longer excluded for a low CTR.


The keyword is disabled on Yandex Advertising Network sites due to a low CTR — Yes/No.


This parameter is no longer relevant for new keywords, since keywords are no longer excluded for a low CTR.


Array of CoverageInfo objects, which indicate the projected audience coverage on the search.


This parameter is no longer relevant and should not be used for selecting bids.


Array of CoverageInfo objects, which indicate the projected audience coverage in the Yandex Advertising Network.

This parameter is useful for bid selection for keywords.


Array of bids for all positions in Premium Placement and Guaranteed Placement.


The final CPC after applying Autobroker.

If the keyword does not generate impressions on the search, or the keyword is disabled on the search due to a low CTR, the NULL value is returned in the parameter.


Minimal price set individually for each advertiser.

CoverageInfo object

Frequency of impressions for the bid from the Price parameter.

It is specified in the ContextCoverage array as a percent from 0 to 100. Used for selecting bids.

Price The bid that the Probability parameter contains the frequency of impressions for.
PhraseUserParams object

Value of the {param1} substitution variable. No more than 255 bytes.


Value of the {param2} substitution variable. No more than 255 bytes.

RejectReason object
Type Type of object rejected during moderation: Banner, Phrases, ContactInfo or Sitelink.
Text Reason for rejection during moderation.
  1. In rare cases, prices for display positions and certain other parameters related to auction results can have the NULL value, which indicates an API error getting data. We recommend repeating the method call later.

Parameter Description
BannerInfo object

The ad ID. To create an ad, set 0; to change the parameters of an ad, set its ID.

CampaignID The campaign ID.
Title Title of the ad (up to 33 characters, including spaces and punctuation).
Text Text of the ad (up to 75 characters, including spaces and punctuation).

Link to the advertiser's website. It can contain wildcard variables (see section Links to the site).

Domain The domain that the Href link goes to. The domain is set automatically. If the link points to a redirect, the parameter specifies the end-domain.

IDs of regions where ad impressions are enabled or disabled. The ID 0 or an empty string indicates impressions in all regions (default value).

To disable impressions in a region, prepend a minus sign to the region ID; for example, “1, -219” means to show ads for Moscow and the surrounding area, except Chernogolovka. Regions with a minus sign cannot be used if the zero region is set. Likewise, the parameter cannot consist entirely of minus regions.

To get the full list of regions, use the GetRegions method.


The ContactInfo object with the advertiser's contact information (business card).

Phrases Array of BannerPhraseInfo objects with keyword parameters. Output if the GetPhrases input parameter has the value “Yes” or “WithPrices”, or is omitted.
StatusActivating Whether all changes made have taken effect — Yes/Pending.
StatusArchive Whether the ad has been archived — Yes/No.

Results of ad moderation (the text and link are checked):

  • New — Ad has not been checked (“Draft” status).
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.
  • PreliminaryAccept — The ad has been tentatively accepted but the final result will be available later.

Result of keyword moderation:

  • New — Keywords were not checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — At least one keyword was approved (some keywords might have been rejected).
  • No — All keywords were rejected.
  • PreliminaryAccept — The keywords have been tentatively accepted but the final result will be available later.

Result of online business card moderation:

  • New — Contact info has not been checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.

Whether ad impressions are enabled — Yes/No. Use the ResumeBanners and StopBanners methods to enable and disable impressions.

Allowing displays does not mean that the ad is actually displayed. For impressions, other conditions must be met as well: sufficient funds, moderator approval of the campaign and ad, and enabled displays on the campaign level (the ResumeCampaign method). An actual impression corresponds to the Yes value in the IsActive parameter.


Whether the ad is active — Yes/No.

"Active" is defined as the ad state in which impressions are turned on and off automatically, according to the time targeting settings or depending on the campaign balance. Ads are "inactive" when impressions are disabled by the user or Yandex manager, and cannot be enabled automatically.

StatusSitelinksModerate Result of sitelinks moderation:
  • New — Sitelinks have not been checked.
  • Pending — Moderation in progress.
  • Yes — Approved.
  • No — Rejected.

An array containing flags for advertised objects belonging to special categories. For these categories, displaying ads is either prohibited, or must be accompanied by a warning in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation. Possible groups:

  • abortion — Medical services intended to artificially terminate a pregnancy.
  • alcohol — Alcohol, beer or alcoholic beverages.
  • baby_food — Baby food.
  • dietarysuppl — Dietary supplements.
  • medicine — Medicine, medical devices or equipment or medical services, including treatment methods.
  • pseudoweapon — Products that are similar to a weapon.
  • tobacco — Tobacco and tobacco products.
  • project_declaration — Shared-equity construction project.
FixedOnModeration Whether typos were corrected during moderation — Yes/No.
ModerateRejectionReasons Array of RejectReason objects. These objects describe the reasons for rejecting the text of an ad, keyword, contact information, or sitelink.

Array of negative keywords that are shared by all the keywords of an ad group.

A keyword should be specified without the minus sign before the first word.

Maximum of 7 words per keyword. The maximum length of each word is 35 characters. The maximum combined length of negative keywords in the array is 4096 characters. The “!” operator or “+” operator before a word is not included in the total length.

Note. Negative keywords that are shared for all a campaign's ad groups should preferably be set in the campaign parameter of the same name.
ContactInfo object

Contact person. A maximum of 155 characters.


Country. A maximum of 50 characters.


The country code for the phone number. For example, “+7” for Russia.


The city. A maximum of 50 characters.


Street. A maximum of 55 characters.


House number. A maximum of 30 characters.


The building or unit number. A maximum of 10 characters.


The apartment or office number. Maximum of 255 characters.


The area code or city code for the phone number.


The contact phone number.


The phone extension, if an office PBX system is used.


Name of the organization. Maximum of 255 characters.


The type of instant messaging network — icq, jabber, skype or mail_agent.


The user name for the instant messaging network.


Additional information on the advertised product or service. Maximum of 200 characters.


Email address. Maximum of 255 characters.


The operating hours or client service hours of the business. Set as a string that specifies the range of days of the week, work hours, and minutes.

Days of the week are defined by the numbers from 0 to 6, where 0 is Monday and 6 is Sunday.

Minutes are set as a multiple of 15: 0, 15, 30 or 45.

String format:


For example, the string "0;4;10;0;18;0" sets the following schedule:

0;4 — Monday to Friday

10;0 — from 10:00 am

18;0 — to 6:00 pm

The schedule may consist of several strings in this format, for example: "0;4;10;0;18;0;5;6;11;0;16;0". Here, in addition to the previous example, the schedule also includes:

5;6 — Saturday and Sunday

11;0 — from 11:00 am

16;0 — to 4:00 pm

A 24-hour schedule is set using the string "0;6;00;00;00;00".


The OGRN code for a business registered in Russia.


The MapPoint object, which provides the coordinates of the client's location. These coordinates are used to mark the map. If not set, the map is marked at the address that was specified for the client.

MapPoint object

Longitude of the point. From -180 to 180.


Latitude of the point. From -90 to 90.


Longitude of the lower-left corner of the region on the map. From -180 to 180.


Latitude of the lower-left corner of the region on the map. From -90 to 90.


Longitude of the upper-right corner of the region on the map. From -180 to 180.


Latitude of the upper-right corner of the region on the map. From -90 to 90.

BannerPhraseInfo object

The campaign ID.


The ad ID.


The keyword ID.



It can contain negative keywords, which are specified with the minus sign before the word, such as [lightning -thunder -rain]. Negative keywords that are shared between several keywords should preferably be set in the MinusKeywords parameter for the ad group.

The maximum length of a keyword is 4096 characters. The “!” operator before a negative keyword is not counted in the keyword length (the sequence “-!” counts as a single character).

Maximum of 7 words per keyword, not counting stop words and negative keywords. Each word and negative keyword can be up to 35 characters, not counting the minus sign before a negative keyword.


Whether the keyword is a Yandex Catalog category. Always contains the value No.


The bid on Yandex search (in Yandex units). The predefined limit is 50 Yandex units. Required only if a strategy with manual bid management is selected for the campaign.


Bid in the Yandex Advertising Network (in Yandex units). The bid can be set in the following cases:

  1. The IndependentControl strategy is used on search. This strategy can only be selected via the Yandex Direct web interface.
  2. A manual strategy is used on search and the keyword is disabled for a low CTR.

    For new keywords this condition is irrelevant, since keywords are no longer disabled for a low CTR.


Indicates that Autobroker is enabled. Always contains the value Yes.


PhraseUserParams object. Contains values of substitution variables for the website links (see the section Site links).


Results of moderation of the keyword:

  • New — Keyword has not been moderated.
  • Yes — Accepted.
  • No — Rejected.

Priority of the keyword when using automatic strategies. Possible values:

  • Low — Low priority.
  • Medium — Average priority.
  • High — High priority.

Number of clicks on an ad that was shown on the search for this keyword. Calculated for the last 28 days. The calculation uses those days during which there was at least one click on an ad.


Number of ad impressions for this keyword on the search. Calculated for the last 28 days. The calculation uses those days during which there was at least one ad impression for this keyword.


The minimum bid to get into Guaranteed Placement.

Max The minimum bid for the 1st position in Guaranteed Placement.

The minimum bid to get into Premium Placement.


The minimum bid for the 1st position in Premium Placement.


The keyword has a low CTR and may be disabled soon — Yes/No.


This parameter is no longer relevant for new keywords, since keywords are no longer excluded for a low CTR.


The keyword is disabled in the search due to a low CTR — Yes/No.


This parameter is no longer relevant for new keywords, since keywords are no longer excluded for a low CTR.


The keyword is disabled on Yandex Advertising Network sites due to a low CTR — Yes/No.


This parameter is no longer relevant for new keywords, since keywords are no longer excluded for a low CTR.


Array of CoverageInfo objects, which indicate the projected audience coverage on the search.


This parameter is no longer relevant and should not be used for selecting bids.


Array of CoverageInfo objects, which indicate the projected audience coverage in the Yandex Advertising Network.

This parameter is useful for bid selection for keywords.


Array of bids for all positions in Premium Placement and Guaranteed Placement.


The final CPC after applying Autobroker.

If the keyword does not generate impressions on the search, or the keyword is disabled on the search due to a low CTR, the NULL value is returned in the parameter.


Minimal price set individually for each advertiser.

CoverageInfo object

Frequency of impressions for the bid from the Price parameter.

It is specified in the ContextCoverage array as a percent from 0 to 100. Used for selecting bids.

Price The bid that the Probability parameter contains the frequency of impressions for.
PhraseUserParams object

Value of the {param1} substitution variable. No more than 255 bytes.


Value of the {param2} substitution variable. No more than 255 bytes.

RejectReason object
Type Type of object rejected during moderation: Banner, Phrases, ContactInfo or Sitelink.
Text Reason for rejection during moderation.
  1. In rare cases, prices for display positions and certain other parameters related to auction results can have the NULL value, which indicates an API error getting data. We recommend repeating the method call later.

Examples of input data


   'BannerIDS': [1974642, 20920155, 20155899, 64654],
   'Filter': {
      'StatusPhoneModerate': ['Yes'],
      'StatusBannerModerate': ['Yes'],
      'StatusPhrasesModerate': ['Yes'],
      'StatusActivating': ['Yes'],
      'StatusShow': ['Yes'],
      'IsActive': ['Yes'],
      'StatusArchive': ['No']
   'GetPhrases': 'WithPrices'


   'BannerIDS' => array(1974642, 20920155, 20155899, 64654),
   'Filter' => array(
      'StatusPhoneModerate' => array('Yes'),
      'StatusBannerModerate' => array('Yes'),
      'StatusPhrasesModerate' => array('Yes'),
      'StatusActivating' => array('Yes'),
      'StatusShow' => array('Yes'),
      'IsActive' => array('Yes'),
      'StatusArchive' => array('No')
   'GetPhrases' => 'WithPrices'


   'BannerIDS' => [1974642, 20920155, 20155899, 64654],
   'Filter' => {
      'StatusPhoneModerate' => ['Yes'],
      'StatusBannerModerate' => ['Yes'],
      'StatusPhrasesModerate' => ['Yes'],
      'StatusActivating' => ['Yes'],
      'StatusShow' => ['Yes'],
      'IsActive' => ['Yes'],
      'StatusArchive' => ['No']
   'GetPhrases' => 'WithPrices'