Interacting with the API in Perl using the JSON library.

This example demonstrates calling the GetClientInfo method.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

    Yandex Direct API usage example in Perl
        using the JSON library


    This sample uses recommended syntax for accessing the Yandex Direct API
        in Perl using the JSON protocol.

    Note that all textual data must be UTF8-encoded.

    For more information about getting a token, see the documentation:

    As an example, we'll call the GetClientInfo method, which returns information about the specified login name.


use strict;

use JSON qw/to_json from_json/;
use Encode qw/decode_utf8/;

use HTTP::Request::Common;
use HTTP::Response;
use LWP::UserAgent;

use Data::Dumper;

# The access token obtained from the oauth.yandex.com service

# Login name of the account to get data for
my $login = 'YANDEX-LOGIN';

my $url = "https://api.direct.yandex.ru/v/json/";

# Preparing request data
my $data = {};
$data->{param} = [$login];
$data->{method} = 'GetClientInfo';

$data->{token} = $token;

my $json_data = to_json($data);

my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent( timeout => 600 );

my $request = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $url, undef, $json_data);

# Request to the server
my $response = $ua->request($request);

# for debug
# warn $request->as_string, "\n";
# warn $response->as_string, "\n";

if ($response->is_success) {

    my $result = from_json(Encode::decode_utf8($response->decoded_content())) || {};

    if (defined $result->{error_code}) {

        # If an error was returned by the Yandex Direct API server
        die join "\n"
                    , "API error:"
                    , "Code: ".$result->{error_code}
                    , "Describe: ".$result->{error_str}
                    , "Detail:".($result->{error_detail} || '');

    } elsif (defined $result->{data}) {

        print Dumper {result => $result};


} else {

 # If an error occurred during request sending
    die "HTTP error: ".$response->status_line;
